

  • 状态:已完结
  • 作者:Artraveler
  • 分类:现代言情
  • 主角:
  • 青春甜宠,现代言情,豪门总裁,校园

本文只是译本,如有翻译不好切勿上纲上线。翻译只是爱好。不搞作品歧视。奖学金争夺战进行的如火如荼,学校教导主任办公室门口,林语惊和沈倦狭路相逢。  林语惊表情凄怆,眼中含泪:“沈同学,实话跟你说了吧,我是乡下来的,家里很穷,原名叫林翠花,我们莲花村就出了我一个能到大城市读书的,这次我如果拿不到奖学金就没钱交学费,没钱交学费就只能回村里喂猪……”  沈倦神情松懒,漫不经心:“好巧,我是隔壁荷叶村的,本名沈铁柱,我不仅要喂猪,还得种地。”  林语惊:“……”  两人面无表情对视了三秒,然后动作整齐划一,各自转身离开。  沈倦钻进私人直升飞机,林语惊上了加长版劳斯莱斯幻影。  ——两个有钱人每天在对方面前,互相真实地,努力地穷着,的故事。  -


Originally Jiang Han shouted that he was going to pick up younger sister, Shen tired is also casually responded, he actually did not feel that he would meet again.

He clearly just looked at it casually, did not know what the two idiots were happy about, and also bet him when the fairy would come back and what she wanted to tattoo.

Turns out, today is not over, the evening will see.

And the girl also do not know whether it is bold or really intend to put her"whatever" attitude to life in the end, know what to do, looking at each other a group of six or seven covered with"I am to fight" men came forward, she also squatted there to eat oblivious, eat thunder, while eating as if there is a point to see them as a play.

Even when the opposite Chen Zihao looked at her, she also looked at others with relish.

What's wrong with it?

Chen Zihao is what kind of things tired also know a little bit, read a vocational high probably did not go to class, small hotel rented a single room in the morning and afternoon are not the same girl, so mixed every day, try to squander his cheap youth in the last bit of residual heat.

Shen tired feel that although he is not what justice messenger good youth, but at least and this girl also have a chance, did not look at the truth.

Fortunately, Chen Zihao's interest in him is larger than that of a beautiful girl, and now it is relatively high, and a group of brothers behind him are watching, and he regards this sentence as an effective provocation.

Once red card, enemy BOSS Anger increases by 10 points.

Chen Zihao was silent for a moment and did not speak.

He was also afraid of boredom.

Chen Zihao secondary school opposite is Shen tired of school, fourteen, at that time Shen tired of junior high school, two people have seen a few times, a lot of things, Chen Zihao has heard, at that time he did not think, a junior two children, can have more cattle force.

It wasn't until he saw it with his own eyes, when the young man, who had barely begun to grow, dragged a man a head taller by the collar down an alley and, with a thud, landed on a tin bin.

The trash can turned over, rumbled out a long way, and a lot of plastic bags spilled out.

The man groaned quietly said something, Shen tired sneer.

Cold to the bone, with a dark and sharp rage.

Then Shen tired trouble, said almost put who into a vegetable, because the home has money, so settle, many people are skeptical, Chen Zihao feel 80% is true.

Today this thing had nothing to do with him, is his new brother and Shen tired side of the conflict, he did not know before, also did not expect Shen tired will come, if you know he came, Chen Zihao probably will not come to help out this head.

Chen Zihao looked at him with a cigarette in his mouth and smiled:"Why, Lord Tired is so idle today, to give his brother a head?"

The tone was polite.

I really don't want to mess with him.

Big boss is generally will consider a lot, Chen Zihao as a ruthless man big brother natural nine twists and eighteen bends, in two seconds"how to do this force to load it" and"still don't want to provoke or withdraw it" between the crazy jump to consider rapid measurement, not waiting for him to make a choice, he saw Shen tired to 7-11 door a point, calmly said:"No, I come to buy a bottle of water."


Chen Zihao has a moment of confusion, do not understand what makes this has countless legends of the big man now look so Buddha.

It is estimated that he is more than a person at a loss, quiet for a few seconds, behind Shen, mop No. 2 Wang Yiyang issued a heart-wrenching cry:"Dad! What's wrong with you!!"

Lin Yu surprised biting the fish steak, couldn't help smiling and raised his eyes to see the mop No. 2's expression when he said this.

The result was nothing to see, very tired, because the distance was too close, standing in front of her to cover half of her vision, and she squatted, he stood, from this Angle his legs looked longer, butt also...

Lin Yuwen admired the social brother's buttocks for a while, while eating the fish, bamboo skewer into the paper cup a tie, tied an empty.

Looked down, finished eating, left a little soup.

She sighed uncontrollably, put the paper cup on the next step, picked up the rice ball, and began to peel the bag.

Transparent plastic packaging bag, peeling up there is a clatter sound, in this tense atmosphere unbridled very arrogant.

Shen Tired turned around and looked at her.

Lin language surprise did not find, low head seriously and focus on the rice ball packaging bag to do the struggle, this thing is still very tight.

When she finally opened the package, she heard Shen say,"I'm a little sleepy."

The teenager's voice is faint, with a little nasal sound, it appears loose and lazy,"so move quickly, to go up together, solve the good go back to sleep, the day after tomorrow, I have to make up homework."

Chen Zihao:"..."

Lin said in surprise:"..."


It's eerily quiet.

Listen to that. That's a punch-worthy tone. That's a punch-worthy speech.

Lin language fright can not see other people are what expression, anyway, she is scared hands shake, just torn rice ball fell to the ground.

No, what kind of society is this?

This is so cool.

You were in school before?

Will you still hand in your homework?

His class teacher must be very pleased, this man in the rush to fight in the busy schedule, even thinking about the last two days of the summer vacation to take time to make up for an assignment.

Cruel brother is very calm to hold the gas did not make a sound, but someone behind him can not endure, Lin language terror also feel Shen tired this person really deserve to beat, completely did not take people seriously, the tone is all"you this group of waste of Laozi sleeping time idiot", dry group attitude is very wrong.

The man walked a few steps forward, half a head taller than Shen, looking very strong, wearing a black vest and athletic shorts, showing a strong tendon, and a fierce look.

"You bull force ah," Gangzi brother imposing,"Hao brother called you a voice is to give you face, you really put yourself as a man?" The Tired Lord? Do you think you're a fucking dick --"

Shen took a step forward and punched him in the stomach.

The hand is very heavy, Lin language fright heard the dull sound of physical impact.

Tenozi's words were interrupted directly, he made a retching sound, bent over, and before he had time to react, Shen Tired grabbed his hair with one hand and yanked it down, pushed his knee up, banged it, and kissed his kneecap enthusiastically with that face, and punched his stomach with the other hand.

Tenoshi brother did not call out, Shen tired pulled his hair up again, he was forced to raise his head, the nosebleed drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip drip, red eyes staring at him.

His mouth opened as if he wanted to make a sound.

Shen Tired pulled his hair hands loose, a kick in his knee, Tengzi brother was kicked a stumble, can stand on his hind legs a soft, plopping down on the ground.

No one spoke, not even Lin Yuji.

Tenobrother's tenoflesh seemed to be filled with cream, and he was kneeling on the ground, holding the ground with one hand, cramping and retching, and the acid water went straight up and down, but nothing was spit out.

Shen Tired lowered his eyes, looked at him with indifference, and smiled:"Tired Lord must be a cock ah."


Tenozi brother is probably also a figure such as the second commander of the enemy camp, in short, he was beaten, the opposite felt humiliated very thoroughly, so boiling, with all kinds of national abuse will rush up.

Mop No. 2 flaps out, dreadlocks fly in the air with a very punk rhythm, roaring while swinging a beautiful left hook:"I solve my own business, I fuck you!" C 'mon, over here! Come and hit me! Shoot me!!"


Lin language terror think now bad boy how are so interesting.

The rice ball had just fallen to the ground, and she picked it up with a bag and wanted to throw it into the trash can. As a result, she turned her head and saw behind the big glass window inside the 7-11 convenience store, the cashier's sister hung up the phone in a panic, and several clerks gathered inside, all looking over here.

She paused, hesitated between"sneak away alone" and"tell them", thought for a few seconds, or raised her hand and gently tugged the sleeve of the teenager standing in front of him.

Shen tired was in the side to see the play with relish, although their side of the people are less, but Jiang Han Wang Yiyang are more able to play, opposite and waste a vomit on the ground, so there should be no problem.

Looking at the watch again, it was past ten.

He was about to sneak home to take a shower and sleep when he felt a slight pull from the cuff behind him.

Shen Tired turned around and looked down at his sleeve.

She was pinched by two fingers, fine and white, her nails rounded and clean, with a little white crescent at the end, and then a beautiful slender hand and a transparent white wrist.

He lifted his eyes, looked up at the girl pulling his sleeve, raised his eyebrows, and questioned.

Lin Yu was shocked to release his hand, pointed to the cashier inside the convenience store, and whispered:"I just saw that she seems to have called the police."

That side is fierce close hand to hand fighting, the noise is very large, Shen tired did not hear clearly, frowning down, head closer:"HMM?"

Lin also cooperated with the probe forward, came to his ear and repeated:"Just that little sister seems to be the alarm."

Shen Tired smelled a faint aroma of sweetness, like afternoon garden flowers mixed with freshly baked fruit tarts and sweet milk.

He quietly turned his head away, drew a little distance, and straightened up:"Let's go."

Lin Yu startled stunned and then stood up:"Ah?"

"I thought the police were called." Shen tired yawned and walked inside 7-11.

Lin Yuji silent for two seconds, really can not help:"You haven't woken up."

Ding dong, the induction glass door opened, Shen tired looked at her, in the direction of the wall clock raised his chin:"Ten thirty, the best sleep time."


And you are a healthy social brother.

Lin language fright rolled his eyes, looking at Shen tired in the shop assistant's little sister frightened to watch calmly before the refrigerator slipped a circle, carried a rice ball, by the way, he really bought a bottle of water.

Came back and took a bag of wet towel paper, checkout, and then in the shop assistant's little sister put rice balls into the microwave oven to heat when tear the package of wet towel paper, pull out a piece, lean in front of the cash register slowly wipe hands.

Probably because he just beat up Tendinos.

The young man is slender and thin, lazy and scattered against the cashier station, quiet and focused appearance without the slightest bit of brutal violence when he just smashed his face on his knee, his hands are very beautiful, and they appear cold white under the light of the convenience store, and you can see the faint blue blood vessels.

His head was low, the bridge of his nose was high, his forelock was naturally drooping, and half covered his long, dark, narrow eyes. His eyelashes were not very long, but they were very thick. His eyebrows were raised, and his eyes were slightly slanted.

Lin Yu surprised at a glance clearly a little afraid, but could not help but secretly look at his shop assistant's little sister, the heart"tut" a sound.

It's a face, and if we don't talk about it before, it's gonna hurt a lot of girls.

Microwave"ding dong" a sound turn good, Shen tired action stopped, looked up, looking at the cashier clerk.

The little sister was still looking at him, froze for two seconds before reacting, blushed and hurried not to open the line of sight, opened the microwave oven, and took out the rice ball wrapped in paper towels.

Shen Tired took over and said thank you, threw the wet towel paper into the trash can, and turned out of 7-11.

Lin Yuji followed him out.

The night wind is warm and cool, two people around the door of a group of fighting and killing in two young people quickly evacuated the crime scene, went out of a street, Lin language scared stopped, looked back, vaguely seemed to see the figure of the police uncles.

Justice comes from heaven, and bad boys are scattered.

She turned around."You really don't care about your friends."

You're not gonna want to be a convincing social guy anymore.

Shen Tired"um" a sound, did not look back, will hand the rice ball to her.

The young man's beautiful hand held a rice ball in front of her, Lin Yu was stunned and blinked:"HMM?"

"I didn't drop that one." Shen said.

The author has something to say:

"Tired Master must be a cock."



Chapter 5

I don't know if it was because of a tense and exciting fight that consumed a lot of spirit, Lin Yuwen slept very well at night, and it was the most fragrant sleep she had in the three days she had come here.

When she opened her eyes the next morning, she was even in a trance, thinking for a moment that she was still at home.

She blinked, caught sight of the smoke-pink heavy lace curtains and milky velvet carpet, and slowly came to her senses.

To be fair, Guan Xiangmei surface effort is actually very in place, in Lin Yuji has not come over, her room has helped her to prepare, and even have a matching plush doll and a few sets of look very expensive pajamas, it looks very heart.

If the first day of the meeting when the eyes of the little guard and distance hidden a little better, Lin Yuji estimated that now can affectionately call her a mother.

Wrapped in the quilt rolled two circles, Lin language scared climbed out of bed, took a bath and changed clothes after going downstairs, and Fu Mingxiu ate a very suffocating breakfast.

During the two people did not say a word, Lin Yuwen said good morning to him, he did not even lift his head, from beginning to end with a black face, did not look at her.

Lin said in surprise:"..."

Why does her brother look even gloomier than yesterday?

A man's mind is really like a needle under the sea, you never know why he is unhappy again.

She also lazy, after eating breakfast went upstairs to go back to the room, just into the room closed the door, Meng Weiguo call.

Lin Yuwen sat cross-legged on the bed, looked out the window and picked up:"Dad."

"Language, it's me." Guan smiled to Mei.

Lin language startled, obediently asked hello.

Guan responded to Mei with a gentle voice:"The school starts tomorrow."

"HMM." Lin Yuji's sight fell on the table in front of the window, where there was a dark thing, Lin Yuji narrowed his eyes and stared at it for a while.

"I helped you contact the school before, Ming Xiu will not open until next week, let him take you tomorrow."


Oh, it's the rice ball from yesterday. I forgot to eat it.

"It's time for school to start. Don't be nervous. Don't be afraid."


This is school or war.


Lin language surprised raised eyebrows, Fu Mingxiu take care of her a little bit of this matter do not have any expectations.

"Yes, thanks Auntie." Lin Yuji said.

Close to Mei account almost, hung up the phone, Lin language fright put down the phone, sat on the bed for a while, sighed.

As far as a stepmother is concerned, whether it is sincere or play, Guan Xiangmei has done well, at least until now, it seems that where is very in place, can not pick any mistakes.

When she started school before, Lin Zhi did not care about her so much.




