

  • 状态:已完结
  • 作者:沈之意
  • 分类:现代言情
  • 主角:
  • 青春甜宠,现代言情,日久生情,替身,可盐可甜,暗恋,破镜重圆



The speaker was Liu Qingsi, with a nice name and a nice person. He had a harmless little face, with all his joys and sorrows on it, but most of the time he was always smiling.

This is Yunqing to the company's only able to say can not be counted as friends of colleagues, Liu Qing Si is one year younger than her, but it is like drifting in rivers and lakes for many years of old hands, keen on all kinds of gossip.

"Relatives?" Stay with people who are keen on gossip, it is inevitable that they will be infected, Yunqing quietly issued a question.

"HMM." Liu Qing Si to Yunqing side together again:"Heard is the boss of what cousin aunt's niece's daughter."

Yun Qing half opened his mouth, did not clear up the relationship here for a long time, this relative did, really a little far away.

"Yes, I heard one other thing."

Yunqing turned on the computer and lifted his ears by the way.

"The head office wants someone to come here as vice president."

Yunqing disagreed:"Isn't this a very normal thing?"

"Normal is normal, but I think, from the headquarters to the branch, then this person must be unpopular in the head office, so it will be sent down, otherwise a good headquarters does not stay, running here to do what, may not commit what."

Yunqing did not agree:"What kind of logic are you talking about?" The transfer of positions is generally for the needs of the work, or maybe just because of the strong ability, so transferred here, you said that our branch's annual performance, these years have been the best."

"Well, you have a point, too." Liu Qingsi's greatest advantage is that she never drill the corner, not to what extent, if you disagree with her opinion, as long as a little abduction, your point of view will soon become her point of view.

This makes Yunqing feel particularly funny.

Liu Qingsi's butt played with the stool, inch by inch to his position,"is a mule is a horse, walk you know, vice president... MHM... This person must be 40 or 50 years old, I don't know whether it is easy to get along with."

Yun Qing chuckled:"It is not good to get along with us, we are the design department, others are the general manager."

"You never know." Liu Qing Si thought carefully about it:"We have to work hard and strive to be a leader in the future."

Yunqing suddenly feel with others this comparison, their full life pursuit is obscene.

After the form was filled out, according to Jiang Meng's instructions, Yunqing went to the personnel department, probably the personnel department went to a meeting, there was no one in the office, Yunqing looked everywhere, and saw the work of Jiang Meng in the most corner of the personnel department.

Yun Qing walked over, pressed the form on Jiang Meng's desk, was ready to leave, found that the ground fell a few pieces of paper, the content is the recruitment of personnel information, Yun Qing did not look closely, quickly picked up the fallen paper, put it back on the table.

After work, turned around, a few steps away standing a person, the black suit is very flat, black shoes shiny, only a glance, the angular features are enough to let people forget, but unfortunately, the person's whole body, seems to be deeply distant.

Yunqing approached a few steps, to the company not a few days also recognize a few people, specially looked at the man's chest, unfortunately, the other party did not take a license.

Yunqing in hesitation, is not to see the good to leave directly, or just point a head to say hello, when she decided to implement the second option, the other party before her first opened his mouth.

The voice was low, but the words were right, thick and powerful, but it sounded authoritative."Are you from the personnel department?"

"No, I'm just here to drop off an information sheet." Yun Qing answered honestly.

"New guy?"

The man is tall, his hand is in his pocket, his eyes are distant, Yunqing's eyes are low, his eyes are circling on his toes, and he is thinking about which leader of the company the other side may be, so he is more afraid to offend:"Yes."

She did not hear the man is not a sound, the aura of this person, a kind of the spirit of the world, let people dare not underestimate, he and leisurely asked:"Which department?"

"Design Department."

The other side was silent for a moment:"After what to find the personnel department, contact in advance."

Yunqing Leng Leng, always feel that there is another meaning in this, think about it, boils down to this may be the leader of the man is not put her as a bad employee to steal company secrets?

Concealing the protest under his heart, Yunqing answered very obediently:"OK."

The man still maintained the upright posture, slowly turning around, glimpsed the woman he had just met disappearing from the corner, the speed was surprisingly fast.

Yunqing back to the design department, a man is waiting for her in her place, see her arrival, will put the U disk into her hand:"This is a good design plan and tender, you check it carefully, if there is a problem tell me, after the check to print and bind." He then handed her a business card:"This is where our bids are bound."

A colleague of the design department, named Hao Qiang, is not high, but every time he speaks, he is full of gas, and occasionally his face is still disdainful, Yunqing's understanding of this person is almost zero, and he does not know where the disdain superiority comes from.

Yunqing should under the job, Hao Qiang satisfied to leave, Liu Qing Isi in the direction of Hao Qiang rolled his eyes, small voice:"their part, always let the new to do, this is not obvious bully, I just came, he is like this, I am out, now it is your turn, sorry ah."

Yun Qing shrugged his shoulders and looked at the address on the business card:"Is this place far from the company?"

"Not far. Turn right out of the door and go straight ahead. Turn left at the first traffic light and it will take you about ten minutes." Liu Qingsi was very curious:"Sister Qing, you are not a local, should be more familiar than I ah."

Yun Qing explained:"When I was studying, home, school, two points and one line, then I went to work, home, company, two points and one line, and I basically stayed at home and rarely went out when I rested, the smoke city is so big, and I am a road fool."

"So you're a woman who doesn't go out for a long time." Liu Qingsi laughed:"Nothing Qing sister, not a few minutes on the road, will not get lost, if you really can not find it, call me."

Outside although the sun is shining, but the wind is cold, the city of smoke to winter, the temperature will drop sharply, Yun Qing scarf around the neck after two circles tied a knot, only exposing a pair of eyes, thinking that according to Liu Qingisi said the route is not far, they face the wind on foot.

Find more than half an hour of time, and carefully recall the Liuqing point of the route, Yunqing feel their direction and no problem, but in fact, she has not found the destination where.

He stopped a passer-by and asked the address, and the man waved his hand very apologetically:"I'm sorry, I'm a stranger, I'm not familiar with here, you'd better find a local to ask."

Yunqing is embarrassed to tell each other, she is this local ah.

I asked two or three people in succession, but no one knew, but I called Liu Qingsi, no one answered, and finally an elderly aunt looked at her in surprise:"The place you said is on the other end, you are going backwards."

Seeing Yunqing's doubts, aunt explained again:"Listen to me, I live near here, can I not know?"

Helpless, Yunqing can only change the direction and go again, finally found, on each other are busy, had to wait, this is a long time, etc

When she finished her work and returned to the company, it was already more than three o 'clock in the afternoon, and when she returned to the company, she found that the people in the design department were listening to each other

Oh, much more lively than usual.

"What took you so long to get back?" Liu Qingsi with a little excitement,"You called my mobile phone ah? I'm sorry, you didn't have your phone with you. You can't really be lost."

"I followed the route you told me."

"That should be right, go out and turn right, the traffic light, and then turn right."

"Wait a minute." Yunqing slowly turned his head and looked at her in tears and laughter:"After the traffic light, didn't you turn left?"

Liu Qingsi's little hand covered his mouth, and his eyes turned for a long time before he said:"I won't say it is to turn left!"

Yunqing skimmed his lips:"I should have recorded it as evidence."

Liu Qingsi ingratiating forward:"Oh, quick, say slip, sorry sorry."

Liu Qing Si's character is not a person who can easily make people angry, Yun Qing looked at her appearance is lovely and simple, and the heart that has never thought about it has a teasing thought:"You can hurt me."

"Yes, yes, yes, it's my fault." Suddenly took out a handful of candy from his pocket:"Just in the hall, I grabbed it from the plate, specially brought it back to you, you don't get angry, please eat better next time."

Yun Qing's heart was broken, the anxiety of waiting was swept away, although she did not love sugar, but today this sugar, sweet she wanted to smile.

Liu Qing Si saw Yun Qing smile, this just began to want to convey the key content:"The vice president I told you this morning, speak of the devil.

Yes, everyone just went to acknowledge his face, wow, he is a beautiful creature on earth."

"Is it a woman?" Somehow I remember that guy I met this morning.

"A man." Liu Qingsi smiled and immersed in his gossip:"Unfortunately you did not see, if you see, ensure the flow of saliva, I also.

Thought he was at least a middle-aged man, did not expect so young, ah, now people with people is really can not compare ah, compare a lot of anger, people want to look

Good looks, good figures, and gentle manners, almost, almost..."

Liu Qingsi's arm sticks to the person who is preoccupied with sorting out the printed materials:"Hey, I said so much do you hear?"

"Yes." Yunqing does not belong to the appearance association, beauty and ugliness only at a glance, never care about anyone who has nothing to do with themselves:"People with people what is like, do yourself well, ordinary heart, treat him as a colleague leader."

"That's true, but it's really hard to be at ease with such a lively person standing in front of you." Liu Qingsi revealed the yearning of her little daughter's home:"I think it is more motivated to work in the future."




